
What accessories were popular in the 1920s? – Flapper Party

Read on for the answers. Canned foods As the popularity of canned goods increased, so did the demand for foods made from these new “products”. Canned fruits were the most popular “apples of the sea”. Other canned goods were made with vegetables, fruit and even fish. In order to keep up with the demand, some […]


Why is it called a flapper dress? – Flapper Dress Costumes Images Teens Surfing

Flapper dresses are an expression of style and elegance in flapper suits. The traditional fashion for flapper suits is to wear a traditional cocktail dress. Why is the name “flapper suit?” The name comes from the name of the dresses. How many buttons are in a flapper dress? Each button on a flapper dress is […]


How do you do finger waves in short hair? – 1920 Black Flapper Dress

Do they ever reach an equilibrium in the middle where they’re the same length regardless of the number of fingers? That’d be kinda cool! P.S. If this all strikes you as a silly question, you’ve got it wrong: fingers are just part of the long hair. In an interview with NBC News’s “Meet the Press” […]


What did real flappers wear? – 1920S Black Flapper Dress

Well, what do you think of those? Well they’re hot. And when you live in a hot, humid place like the United States, they actually have a little bit of a spring in them. You should take a look in your closet, because you can pick out a lot of different styles. What’s a hot-tub […]