
What type of energy is water?

Water is comprised of hydrogen atoms in the water molecule (CH 3 COOH). Hydrogen atoms are chemically different from every other gas in the universe. There are no more hydrogen atoms in the gas of the Universe than there are in Earth. If hydrogen atoms are missing from the Earth, what remains at the bottom of the ocean?

Atoms and Molecules

We have to do this to be able to use electricity and magnetism to build things. For example, water can be condensed onto diamonds, as well the very structure itself. Hydrogen is what makes diamond’s structure, but it is a different molecular structure; it is made of four hydrogen atoms in the same configuration as hydrogen atoms in the air. There are other molecules that are made of hydrogen, but we won’t be covering that here.

When you are at that scale of molecules, they just don’t behave like molecules at all, but with only four hydrogen atoms, with the same configuration as hydrogen that we have here on Earth. There must be hundreds or even thousands of other molecules with different configurations, but there are no more hydrogen in the air.

If we knew the chemical rules we had in the old days when we were able to condense water into diamonds, it isn’t really much of a stretch that we should be able to do the same with hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

I’ve tried in the past explaining this chemical rule, to explain how two molecules can form an identical molecule with the same chemical properties, but there are other factors that make that theory impractical to explain. The important point at hand is that if we have an infinite number of atoms of any type, they will always behave the same way, no matter what we do.

In a word, energy is conserved. The energy necessary to convert one molecular form into another will always be the same, because energy can always equal mass. In chemistry, it is called the “law of conservation of energy.”

You May Be Surprised What It Takes to Convert One Molecule into Another

It’s easy. All we have to do is drop a molecule of a chemical into another molecule, like dropping a piece of sugar into a glass of water. The water will be totally dissolved in sugar, and it will remain in the glass indefinitely. But you are starting with water.

It is actually quite tricky, if not impossible, to take a piece of sugar and drop it in into water. There are a few reasons for this