
How do you draw an app for beginners?

(in one sentence)

I have started it, a web framework to build apps. The idea behind it is simple, for every part of the app to be available in one place (I can’t think of anything more concise than that). All parts of the app should be under the same namespace. So there should be a common library like HTML5-CSS3, AngularJS and Javascript.

A typical app to start is something along the lines of an email:

@Component({ selector: ‘my-component’, template: ‘


‘ }) class CngApp extends Component { public function main() { var msg = document.querySelector(“#my-component”); var app = new CngApp(); app.showAsync(msg); } }

How do you know if your app is getting to its goal? You have to keep track of the actions being called. We will discuss how to do this in more detail in a future article. A common question is when a new user will open your component, and when it will be displayed. If it is displayed every time, it should be as seamless to use as the default app. It might also be useful to keep the state of the component state (app state) and the event state (app event) in separate files.

When using components, a common concern is their lifecycle. Many parts of your app might be started by different classes that start with different namespaces (e.g. a route class is starting a route.route.php). So the lifecycle of the route might look something like this:

function __construct() { super(this.state); } function start(){ super.start(); }

When a new component is created, it is usually injected into the state and can handle event listeners using an inversion of control pattern. This is called an “inversion of control” pattern. So a new component could look like this:

function __construct() { super(this.state, { name: ‘My Name’, handler: function () { app.displayMessage(; }, _onUserCreated: function () { // handle user created event handler “””” = 0; } }); }
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This example uses a simple controller to handle user created event. Next, we show the state and the events for the component. Once the model is updated, the next state is passed