
Who created free energy? – Tesla’s Free Energy Devices

And now, is it possible to create free energy via technology? I was recently asked by a journalist on Twitter how free energy would be created. I wrote the answer to her here , but in light of the most recent news, I think the answer is “no.”  It is unlikely that we will be able to create energy from the Sun for energy purposes via technology. But why is this?  First, the Sun has a very high energy level in general.  At the surface of the Sun’s core, which is where energy is needed to keep the Sun in the center of the universe, the Sun is very cold.  The surface temperature on earth (about 400 degrees) can range from about 1,800 to 6,800 degrees Fahrenheit, but the temperature of the core drops to about 400 degrees, and then drops another 70 degrees to 400 degrees below the surface.  This will keep the Sun in a very stable state.  The amount of energy that can potentially be generated via the Sun is limited to the amount of energy in the core where it doesn’t get heated any more.  On a normal day the temperature on the Earth would be about 12,500 degrees Fahrenheit.  The amount of energy that could be generated via the Sun would be limited by this same limit.  If we used the same techniques as we use to produce electricity to produce water, we would only be producing about 6,300 megawatts of electricity.  This is still less than 7.5% of the total available power on earth.  To understand the complexity of the problem we can look at the energy that can be produced using electricity or other energy sources.  The energy coming in through electricity is mostly hydrogen (H2), helium (He), and electrons.  Each unit of energy is equal to one unit of heat energy.  For example, the “heat energy” that you get from a furnace using electricity is only .1525 Joules.  The same “heat energy” you get from a furnace using H2O comes to .2155 Joules.  The “heat energy” that you get from a furnace using He comes to .637 Joules.  The amount of energy that could be produced using H2 is also limited by the amount of heat energy that is in the Earth.  The “heat energy” that you get is only 2,250 Joules.  The amount of energy that can be produced using H2O is also limited by the amount of heat energy that is in the Earth.
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