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We have just added a feature to our platform that allows anyone who has a Google+ profile profile to have full access to our analytics. The feature will automatically make a Google+ profile your active profile and show you stats like:

How many Google+ users are you following?

Are you following enough people?

If your Google+ profile is full, would you like to see your number of likes and comments rise?

If you are an entrepreneur with a Google+ profile and you know how hard it can be to get views in that space, you’ll be happy to know that, we’ve created this new feature which will allow you to build any sort of Google+ profile from the ground up and have our analytics pull the stats you need. There’s no fee to use this new feature. You can sign up and start tracking your profile today!

And don’t worry—if you need help getting started, no worries—we’ve got you covered. Check out this article about how we’ve made it easier than ever, and then check out our “how and why” articles that help explain how to set up a Google+ profile and how it all works.

If you want to be the first to hear about new features from us, follow us on Google+. It’s easy to do, and your feedback is always appreciated.
How to Rap Extremely Fast (with Pictures) - wikiHow

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LAS VEGAS — In the last few weeks, two of the world’s most famous fighting teams have begun the process of determining who will wear the black and gold here at Bellator 163: “Blessed Is The Wind.”

“I like all the teams, but this is special for us because it’s a historic event. We’re excited. There are a lot of stars that haven’t been on a card in a while and it’s something for us that we’re very thankful of,” said Bellator CEO Bjorn Rebney.

The first card in a 10-year history featuring the division’s top 10, with fighters fighting in their first fight since their respective release from the UFC, will feature veteran champ Josh Thomson (18-4 MMA, 14-4 UFC) and surging talent and ex-champ Gilbert Melendez (18-3 MMA, 4-1 UFC), who will both headline the card.

The second title bout also features a star, and Rebney’s top priority for the event is getting the most compelling show possible, which means that Rebney will be looking to cut