
Is it easier to learn to play guitar or ukulele? – Easy Uke Songs 2 Chords

For me, I think playing both things at the same time can be a real challenge. It definitely took me a while to get comfortable with a ukulele, and I learned a lot while playing guitar.

What are the differences between ukulele and guitar playing?

I don’t mind practicing anything, but my favorite instrument is actually guitar, and not even hard for beginners…I have a lot of fun playing guitar. The difference I feel is that ukulele has a much greater range of sounds to work with, so you can play a lot of melody passages, and then when you hit the real tough chords, you’ll be able to really play them out.

What were some of the biggest hurdles you faced when learning to play guitar?

Uke playing was an absolute nightmare because I’ve never practiced on uke, so I was really trying to just ignore the whole thing.

What instrument did you originally choose?

When I was 9, I got this ukulele from my teacher and immediately fell in love with it. Since then I’ve been practicing on it every day.

Where did you start playing bass?

I went to my dad’s bass shop the night I learned ukulele when I was 7 and then later my mom bought me a bass.

Where did you play during your highschool years? If you’ve played any music recently, what made you decide to become a musician?

I was really into jazz during my prep school years, and always wanted to play guitar, but I didn’t really get into it the first chance I got. I didn’t really like it because I had no good songs to take home! So I moved on to violin, then drumming. There really is no other instrument I would rather be playing than the drums.

What are your aspirations for the future?

I just wanna keep moving and practicing more and more. When I was playing with my friends, it was so fun that I actually couldn’t put it down. But I guess even when you are good enough, you can’t put it all away all the time, don’t you agree?

What are some of your favorite music artists?

I really like my guitar, but a good violin is also great. My favorite bands at the moment are Radiohead, Coldplay, and Radio-Television.

What kind of music do you listen to while playing and learning

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