
What do you call someone that plays the bass? – Ukulele Lesson Plan

You call them a bass player.


Q. In all things, what do you believe is your destiny?


A. In all things, what do you believe is your destiny?


Q. How do you feel about it?


A. That I will die, and my body will be like a corpse.


Q. Do you feel this a good thing, or a bad thing?


A. I feel this a bad thing, it’s for the benefit of the dead.


Q. Do you think that you will be able to be with your friends (like you used to be)?


A. I can’t find friends in this world. I’m only looking for people who love me.


Q. Why are you looking for people who love you? And if they don’t, what do you want them to be happy for?


A. Because they love me.


Q. Why don’t you love people, like in the movie, or what is the meaning of love?


A. To die is to be with a dead person.


Q. What do you think is the essence of being a human being?


A. Being a human being is a choice?


Q. So what is my life?


A. It’s the life you made in life.


Q. What do you consider the most important part of each human soul?


A. To know I exist


Q. Why do you feel this way?


A. To know that I exist.


Q. Why do you want people to know that you exist?


A. To know that I exist.


Q. Why do you want people to know that you exist?


A. To know that I exist.


Q. How do you deal with

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