
Can you talk without opening mouth? – How To Learn Faster And Remember More Dreams

I can. I use my own voice.

I can take the words I need right out of your mouth.

I have to.

That’s how I know I am the same person I was when I first came up as a human being.

That’s how I know that if I were to meet another human being who looks like me, I wouldn’t be afraid of them.

That’s how I know that my past lies ahead of me, that I can’t be alone in my own thoughts forever.

And that’s how I know that if I were to die now, that I would always have those memories of before I became human.

That’s how I know that I could never forget.

That I would always have that feeling of loneliness.

That I would always have those moments of loss.

That I would always have that heartache.

How can I be any different from a human being?


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