
How do I start a successful dog walking business? – Arthur’s Pet Business 2/2

First, you need to figure out the right business model with the right product. This is why it’s vital to be a startup. Most companies today have failed. You need to be the exception. Your product needs to perform and you need to market it well.

Next, you need to have your business setup properly. You need to be able to handle customer service – how you communicate with your customers, what you get in return. All these things need to be handled properly. The good news is that there are a few companies out there doing this. That is why it’s important to get started sooner rather than later.

Finally, you need to be willing to learn. Most new owners do not know that dogs actually love walking in parks and public areas. Therefore, they usually go to the wrong places for walking and forget what they’re going to feel like afterwards. You do not have to come to know about this.

So, with all that said, here are some advice from people who have become successful in dog walking:

1) Start small. Start at something small and work your way up. If you are lucky enough to have friends, family, or business partners who are already comfortable in the dog walking space, then you’ve got a good idea of whether the first few days will work out for you.

If not, then you need to start somewhere new and improve gradually. For some, this is easier said than done. But this can also be avoided since the people you meet in the dog walking space are not going to be the ones who are going to be carrying you to the next level.
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2) Have a flexible schedule. Be flexible in the way you set out to get your business started. Some might do a small number of walk sessions a week with no expectations, some might go out at 5pm every Friday and start walking all evening. Make the right choice for you. It’s much better to start small and work up slowly.

3) Be prepared to lose money. If your business is not viable, there’s always the possibility that it won’t continue (even if it’s your business). In this scenario, it helps to have an exit strategy. You may be able to sell your business at a profit if you can survive and your friends are not too bothered about losing their jobs in the process.

4) Learn as much as you can. While the process of marketing and product development takes time, it is not necessary to do

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