
Is it illegal to have an unrestrained dog in a car?

A) No. B) NO, it is not illegal. 1. What are the penalties for riding a horse alone in cars? A) Riding a horse (or riding a dog) alone in a vehicle is generally considered a traffic infraction. B) Riding in a horse-drawn carriage in a car, is illegal in the state of Utah except in certain circumstances. 2. What are the common penalties that apply to those who violate a Utah law that is listed in the table attached? A) An infraction will result in a warning. B) A fine of no more than $100. C) A citation for a first offense can be issued at your option. However, there is a $50 fee if you are convicted and there is a possibility of a fine and imprisonment. You must pay this fee before the citation can be served. You must appear in court within 7 days. 3. How do you prove a violation? A) You can take pictures of yourself in the act. B) You can pay a $15 fee to have the citation mailed to you. C) You can have a copy of the citation sent to you. 4. Can I charge others for the violation? A) No. However, it is against the rules for an unlicensed person to take pictures that are offensive. 5. What are the restrictions regarding riding a horse in a car? A) A horse is always allowed in a vehicle with the permission of a driver. You must obey all traffic regulations. 6. What is illegal for some groups? A) There is a list of prohibited groups and activities in the table attached below. It is also available on the web at

Faced with growing scrutiny over its handling of allegations of child sexual abuse, Britain’s national broadcaster has changed the name of most of its overseas offices and is rebranding its parent company, the News Corporation.

New rules will result this month in the departure of all the News of the World newspaper’s regional news desks from London from next year and their headquarters in Dublin, Ireland.
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News Corp is also changing the name of the News International offices in Hong Kong and in New York, which it has been trying to re-nationalize for years. The change, however, will have no effect on the News of the World’s existing offices in Paris and Madrid.

News International’s new name will be the “News International Group