
What are the types of dance? – Classification Of Social Dance

The basic dance form is a triangle pattern consisting of a right half and a left half. One of the right half can go clockwise (ABAB) or counter clockwise (BCABC).

Figure 2


The basic swing is composed of a pair of legs and a right half. If one leg connects properly with the other, it leads to a swing. If one leg does not connect properly or does not swing correctly, then the dancer will stop playing the pattern completely and the pattern will become unplayable.

Figure 3

Figure 3 shows a swing. Notice that if the left side connects with the right side, the dancer stops playing the pattern completely. This is called a right half swing .

Figure 4

The left half swing is the basic swing that can move up to another left half triangle pattern (which is called a right half left swing ).

Figure 5

Another example of the left hand swing is seen in the figure above. It is composed of a right half and left leg and it is the same as the left hand swing. However, it is played backwards and the left leg swings down instead of upwards.

Figure 6

The right side of the triangle also rotates 180˚ and the left side rotates 90˚ . This combination of rotations can result in two types of patterns: a left half left swing ( ABAB ) and a right half left swing ( BAAB ).

Figure 7

Swinging and Dipping

Swing and dip is the second form of the basic swing for dancers. This form is a combination of right and left halves that rotate in different directions along their length .

The dancers’ feet are connected to the ground and their legs are connected to each other. If one leg connects correctly with another, the dancer will move in a circle.

Figure 8

As the dancer moves away from the pattern to make the turn, the legs will move slowly away from the pattern.

Another important aspect is that if the dancer’s feet get stuck in the pattern, it would become unplayable.

Swing and Dipping Patterns

There are 3 basic swing patterns that the dancers have to master. These patterns allow the dancers to move in circles and perform the dance step up in steps that vary in lengths. Figure 9 shows some of the basic patterns.

Figure 10

There are also a few dances

social dance curriculum, social ballroom dancing, dance and body, types of dance theory, difference between social dance and ballroom dance