
Do violins improve with age? – Learn Violin Beginner Lesson 7 Distance

Does age make a difference?

I have recently taken part in a research project in Germany. The study was carried out on the basis of an article from the journal The Aging of Musicians published in 1996. We have collected information about the average age of people in the band and their musical ability from the years 1955-1987. We have then compared the information on the musicians with other general statistics. The average age of the musicians was 64 years for the band, but of course musicians differ from people in other professions.

The question we asked was: can different forms of experience play different roles in shaping our musical abilities? The answers I have received confirm that the age at which a musician becomes a good or indifferent musician may be linked to the kind of activities he does.

For instance, we know that musicians of many nationalities have different musical abilities.

It would be difficult to make a case for all musicians having the same ability. It would most probably depend on the kind of activities the musician follows and the type of instruments he plays.

We know that there are different types of musicians. Some musicians are born with a strong musical ability. It would be impossible to make a case for all musicians having the same abilities. It would probably depend on the kind of activities the musician follows and the type of instruments he plays.

Do I have to study to become a good violist?

What can I say? You can’t have a theory without being able to practice it at its highest level.

There are many great violin teachers who have shown it is possible to be a good violinist with the assistance of study.

There are many great violin teachers who have shown it is possible to be a good violinist with the assistance of study. However, it’s difficult to say if it is necessary to study violin in order to be good at it.

There is a huge amount of information on studying violin from online resources. However, the answer seems to depend largely on the kind of study chosen.

Learning violin is a fascinating study, but I would be astonished by anyone who would take it on if they had no knowledge of it beforehand.

Playing with a bass or piano is a very demanding activity. It involves a lot of moving about, changing the hand positions and playing in different ways and with different instruments. For many people the most exciting part of this activity is learning to play a new instrument by getting into the habit of playing it from the start. It does

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