
What is a link matrix? – Smarter Living Podcast

The way we think we look at the world is by a link matrix. If you have the following figure, then every pixel represented by a different color is an independent variable in a process that can be represented in a matrix of pixels. Each node represents a point on a link with the corresponding […]


What is psychic power? – Easy Magic Tricks For Kids To Do At School

It is the ability of another person to influence, torment, or destroy another, or the ability to become possessed by the same individual, mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically, or spiritually. Psychic powers vary greatly. Psychic powers are sometimes described as, “Seeing and hearing without ears,” “Seeing through walls,” or “being able to know what someone is […]


Who is the little girl in Matrix Revolutions? – Easy Magic Tricks Videos

She’s called “Morpheus”. She’s this little kid who lives with her grandmother. She has her grandmother’s name. She’s the little girl who gets attacked by the monsters, and a bunch of evil men because that’s the plot of the movie. But she is only 17 years old! And she’s still a teenager at the beginning […]


What is magic in fantasy?

In the words of Robert E. Howard, magic is “words and visions that can have effects of their own.” Whether it’s a sword-to-the-head spell that kills an adult, or even just a vision of a monster, magic is always lurking and waiting to be unleashed. But how? The story of how Magic In The Mire […]


Is Magic natural?

Magic is natural in that magic is part of each individual’s nature. The more that individual has to do with magic, the more magic naturally occurs. But the difference between Magic and a natural phenomenon is the way of creating magic. In ordinary people’s magic, they can create any magic they want. It is just […]


Who plays Link’s wife in The Matrix Reloaded?

If you were wondering who plays the female role in that film, the answer may surprise you. This character, named “the woman,” is none other than Rönkkönen’s wife. In the movie, she serves as a sort of foil for Talia. She has a different, somewhat menacing look when compared to the “pretty” and “possessing” Talia […]


Can Christians levitate?

Yes they can. But only if the levitation is very slight and the person being levitated has very good coordination with some other person. They need to be able to get their body together as quickly as possible. Their body mass and balance has to be near perfect. Does an individual need to be an […]


Can humans levitate?

A. Levitation is possible, but impossible in principle. This is because only a limited number of objects, usually a single person, can perform such a movement. For example, a human standing on its hind legs can only hover for a few inches. This requires a lot of power, and is a non-starter in the real […]


What is acoustic levitation used for?

Can it even cause people to “talk backwards”? I am just making this up as I go along. No more: This is not a debate I am interested in. I will keep the “backwards, only” part out and refer the commenter to another page with information on the topic. It sounds like an area where […]


Do banks sell coin wrappers?

I’d have to assume that coins are already sold as wrappers in the UK (and elsewhere) In the US the first two words of a bank certificate will always be its name. The last word of the certificate will be “bank” in the US. You use the word “Coin” if you are considering a certificate […]