
Can Christians levitate?

Yes they can. But only if the levitation is very slight and the person being levitated has very good coordination with some other person. They need to be able to get their body together as quickly as possible. Their body mass and balance has to be near perfect. Does an individual need to be an […]


Can humans levitate?

A. Levitation is possible, but impossible in principle. This is because only a limited number of objects, usually a single person, can perform such a movement. For example, a human standing on its hind legs can only hover for a few inches. This requires a lot of power, and is a non-starter in the real […]


What is acoustic levitation used for?

Can it even cause people to “talk backwards”? I am just making this up as I go along. No more: This is not a debate I am interested in. I will keep the “backwards, only” part out and refer the commenter to another page with information on the topic. It sounds like an area where […]


Do banks sell coin wrappers?

I’d have to assume that coins are already sold as wrappers in the UK (and elsewhere) In the US the first two words of a bank certificate will always be its name. The last word of the certificate will be “bank” in the US. You use the word “Coin” if you are considering a certificate […]


How does magic work?

To the best of my understanding, magic is just about the capacity for the human mind to perceive the world in a manner that is either magical or not so magical, that is, a form of non-magic. The capacity to do magic has been documented by the discovery of what we now call the seven […]


How are illusions done?

They are used in a number of ways but generally there are two elements. The first part of the illusion is when the person actually enters the room. When the person enters the room and looks to their right, they will see a door and the person’s heart will be beating. This occurs because we […]


Do banks sell coin wrappers?

When you buy a gift card on the Internet, is it worth less or more than what they normally would have sold (or if they were really selling the card at all)? We’re also told that the best way to avoid scams is to avoid accepting offers from people you don’t know, and when they […]


What is psychic power?

It is the ability to use the thoughts and perceptions of others. It is about feeling things in your head. It is about using your mind to create reality. It is about manipulating people in your life using your inner power.” According to the report, the research firm has a team of scientists, researchers, and […]


How do you do the world’s best magic trick?

What are the four elements of magic? How is magic different from science? If it were to fall to you, what would you call yourself? Who invented the “Hobbit” myth? For a full transcript, take a look at our full episode archive on the topic. A recent study shows that the relationship between the human […]


Can humans move things with their minds?

To be fair, the answer to this one is not entirely clear. However, while it seems a little suspicious that so many researchers would think that an intelligence experiment could even be done in “real” life, there are a few reasons to think so. First of all, some experiments have involved asking individuals to take […]